My Experience at HENNGE
This is a little bit about my experience of working at HENNGE as an intern.
How it all begin?
I always had an interest in Japan and wanted to explore its culture and eventually work there. This was the reason why I was always looking for internship opportunities in Japan during my junior year. Luckily, I found HENNGE. I read about other interns’ experiences in the blogs and it just seemed like the perfect role for me. In the end, I ended up applying, getting selected, and am now done with the internship and sharing my own experience, in the hope to help future interns.
The beginning
I had a remote internship because of Japanese border was closed, but it was still a lot of fun. During my first week, I got to meet a lot of people from different teams. My rehearsed introduction came in handy every time I had to introduce myself. Having met my mentors and the CPRD team, I learned about my tasks. There are basically two tasks during the remote internship and a third during the in-person internship. The first task was about developing a full-stack web application and deploying it on AWS. The second task was on the DevOps side — creating deployment infrastructure on AWS using Terraform.
Somewhere in the middle
This was a very eventful time. I met with a lot of people — some through Donut 🍩 (a very cool feature on Slack) and others were the people I directly contacted. I prioritized socializing even in this remote setting and it was all worth it. Most of the conversations flowed naturally and I got to learn so many interesting things from the first time living in Japan to seeing their pictures from their trip to India.
Oh and I also got to meet Ogura-san. He is definitely one of the awesome CEOs you could meet. I felt really inspired by his passion and values and how he’s still a developer at heart.
The Farewell
In the end, somehow I was able to complete my project. My mentors were some of the amazing people I met. One piece of advice I’d give to the incoming interns is to never hesitate to ask. Japan is a wonderful place to live in and HENNGE makes it a great place to work as well. This whole experience was very fulfilling and it was by far the best internship I had from both technical and cultural perspectives.